In this episode, I’ll chat about the elastic band technique to reduce negative thoughts and negativity in your mind. Have you ever heard of this technique? If not, check out this episode, and learn more.Negative thoughts are like weeds, and if you let them foster and grow, they are growing to bring their entire families with them and they are going to completely invade and take over your mind.Negative thoughts are much more potent and powerful than positive thoughts, and they are much easier to cultivate in our minds.Therefore, it is our paramount duty to remove negative thoughts as soon as they pop up, if not instantly, then soon thereafter.
Podcast Content
In this podcast episode, I will be chatting about the following things:
- How elastic bands help reduce negativity?
- Negative thoughts vs. positive thoughts.
- The potency of negative thoughts.
- Tips and techniques on overcoming these negative thoughts.
- Other amazing things and other stuff (you gotta listen to get it).
In this regard, the technique that I have been using is the elastic band technique.The main tenet of it is this: negative thoughts do not make their manifestation in our lives right away. There is always a gap between a negative thought and its actual manifestation.We can take advantage of this delay period wherein we can move towards pleasure and away from pain.This is done by putting an elastic band, and every time you feel the presence of a negative thought, you pull that elastic band and let it go against your skin.Thus, your subconscious mind has a chance to create a connection between a negative thought and pain.Free Resources
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- Check out my YouTube Channel for more gems of wisdom!