You get what you are looking for – have you noticed there are certain kinds of people in your life who always end up in a fistfight with someone? They might be at a bar or on a cruise. It doesn’t really matter. For them, life is a fistfight, and therefore, it ends up being so. For others, life ends …
Success Means Different Things To Different People
Success means different things to different people. Do you agree or not? I was sitting on Facebook, as per usual, doing some work, or pretending to do some work, while I stalked some of my friends and friends’ friends. And I saw that a friend of mine was visiting Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is a major Muay Thai and Brazilian …
Why Are People So Afraid Of Intense People Like Me?
My intensity scares people. They say things like: “Dial it down.” “Calm down.” “Don’t be so much.” “Stop being so high.” “You are too intense.” “Why are you always too much?” I have heard these statements all of my life. It wasn’t mildly annoying to hear these words thrown at me on a daily or weekly basis. It was extremely …
Saying No Is One Of The Most Important Things You Can Learn
When I was younger, I thought a mark of a successful person, a successful woman, would say ‘Yes’ to everyone and everything. IF I could be one of those superwomen, who does everything, and who can balance everything, then I would be successful. But we need to learn to say no. I needed to be the perfect daughter, perfect sister, …
Can We Just Stop Talking About Shit And Actually Do Something?
Let’s talk about action. Action time starts now. Not later, but now. Recently, I was sitting with an acquaintance of mine. She wanted to pick my brain, and even though, I despise that phrase, I decided to do it, because I don’t want to be a completely selfish human being. As we were sitting down, and chatting, I explained to …
When I Turned 30, I Started Changing My Life in a Big Way
Turning 30 triggered massive change in my life. I’m sure this is the same for a lot of people on this planet. My quarter-life crisis didn’t come to me until I turned 30. When I was 25, I was still foolish, still searching, and still dreaming. I thought everything would work out perfectly because I still had a lot of …
Everything Is Simpler Than We Actually Make It Out To Be
This post is all about the philosophy I follow – simplify everything now. A few months ago, I heard this story about entrepreneurship from Denise Duffields-Thomas who wrote the book, Get Rich, Lucky Bitch. It exemplified for me the importance of going back to the basics, of taking back control by making things as simple as possible. She said this, …
All Of The Help You Want Is Already Within You
Every answer exists within us. When I was younger, in my twenties, I didn’t believe in myself enough. Whatever the reason might have been, I believed that I wasn’t strong enough to handle everything that life sent at me. I thought I was weak, and I needed other people. There wasn’t enough stuff inside of me to handle all of …
When the World Throws Curveballs at You, Become Excited
This post is all about becoming excited when life throws curveballs at you, instead of becoming paralyzed or angry. When I was younger, I used to get annoyed when my plans didn’t work out exactly the way that I had so meticulously written out. I mean, c’mon. I took the effort of writing all of these awesome ideas out, they …