Over the past two years, I have done a lot of things that I was too afraid to do before. I built my courage one brick at a time, by doing what I was not comfortable doing. Every single time, I was able to beat my wavering self and do what needed to be done, despite the odds, I built …
Results Oriented To Process – How To Focus On The Right Stuff
From the time we are children, we are taught a mistruth. It’s such a mind-boggling lie, that I’m surprised society still deigns to teach little susceptible minds such a lie. I was taught this lie, as were you. It is the lie below. The only thing that matters in all that we do is that we succeed. It doesn’t matter …
What Is Your Definition Of Success?
Society defines success in a weird manner. It is really f-ed up. Most people have this random goal in their head, that if achieved, would be the definition of success for them. So many of us believe that when or if we become millionaires, we will finally have that life that we dream of. One million dollars is that elusive …
How To Realistically Write 3000 Words per Day
I am 33 years old, and I have never been consistent with anything except writing. I have been writing hundreds of words every day since I was 12 years old. Most days it was just journaling. To write 3000 words every day seemed like an unachievable goal.
Have You Heard Of The 1% Rule For Success?
I love to learn, and I am constantly either reading a self-help book, or listening to an audiobook, or watching to a motivational video on YouTube. We are so lucky to be living in an age where there is so much free material available for us to consume. If you have an internet connection and a phone, you have access …
New To Online Business? 5 Things You Need To Know.
I spend a lot of time chatting with individuals in coffee shops, and networking events. Most people when they hear that I’m running my online business, ask me a lot of similar questions. I used to answer these questions over and over again, until I realized, I should really write this guide down for people who are wondering about these …
’Why Are You Living A Shitty Mediocre Life?’ Everyone Else Around Me Is Doing The Same.
Now that I have been living my ideal life for the past few months, I have been thinking a lot about why I didn’t do this earlier. Was I not aware that it was possible to live my ideal life? Did I not know that the possibility existed? Or was I just content living a shitty, mediocre life because everyone …
What Kind Of Person Becomes A Digital Nomad?
I have been meeting a lot of digital nomads on the road, and also a lot of aspiring digital nomads. From these encounters, I have realized not everyone can be a digital nomad. I am not trying to deter people from trying out the digital nomading thing at all. Everyone should try it out for themselves to see if it …
Why Am I So Attracted To Thai Culture?
Thai Culture Pulls Me In I have been thinking about this question for a while now. I don’t want to be stereotypical about it and say it’s because they are nice, and smile all the time. But a lot of it really comes down to their nature. They are some of the kindest, most generous, most patient, hard-working I have …