I am sitting here on a bullet train going from Tokyo to Kobe, with my sister who met up with me from Toronto and writing out a blog post, that’s going to reach hundreds of people over its lifetime. I feel so blessed, and I feel an immense amount of gratitude to be living this magical life in this moment …
Are All Your Habits Still Productive and Useful?
One of the things about the start of a New Year is that there is a lot of clarity that suddenly arises in your mind and your life about what’s important to you and what is not. Check your habits comes from that kind of thinking. This is the main reason why many people start going to the gym in …
Treasure the Present Moment, Because Once It’s Gone, It’s Gone
Recently, I went to Dubai for a quick transit trip and it bought up lessons of present moment awareness that I wish to share with you. I hadn’t been back to Dubai in 18 years at that point. I had spent some of the happiest years in my teenage years in Dubai, and then we left when I was 16. …
We Are Always Right Where We Are Supposed To Be
Recently, I had to quit a job, and move back home as my parents needed my youth and strength around them to give them energy and vitality. It was an easy decision to make as I told myself “you are exactly where you need to be”. I didn’t dilly-dally about it. I had the revelation during the lunar eclipse in …
Go Through the World Smoother With an Attitude of Gratitude
Let’s chat a bit about an attitude of gratitude using this story. There is a lot of construction going on in the place that I am living at right now. It’s low season and it’s a good time to get a lot of repairs and shit done. Which is great for the guests that might be coming in the future. …
We Are All So Powerful And Capable Of So Much Happiness
There is this misconception in the world right now. It isn’t something many people speak about, or even realize. I think the only reason I realized it and some others do realize it, is because we have seen the other side. We have experienced what it’s like to be powerful and happy. The myth or misconception is that human beings …
All People Want Is To Be Heard And Understood
This article is about my discovery of how people want to be understood on a deeper level. A few months ago, I started speaking about a specific kind of personality type on YouTube called INFJs. We are supposedly the rarest personality type in the world, and highly misunderstood, and confused about ourselves. I know, because I am an INFJ, and …
I Want to Feel Everything, Everything to the Max
I wish to feel life fully. This story illustrates why it came up. Recently, I was sitting with a couple of women friends of mine. Not close friends or anything. Acquaintances. People I want to get to know better, I think. It’s always iffy with me because people tire me out so much. But it was a beach party, and …
Why Does Everyone Want To Be 20 Again?
Wanna join the no regrets club? I’m in my 30s now, and it’s a weird thing. I have never been happier, and I have never felt better. But so many people message me or talk to me all the time about wanting to be 20 again. “I wish I could be 20 again.” They say over and over again. I …