Doubt Is My Friend Now
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about the concept of doubt and how it will stay with you forever and ever.It isn’t something that only occupies the unsuccessful; it is something that pervades every soul on this planet, no matter how successful they are.Even the most influential people! People might be at the pinnacle of success, but they are still going to wonder, ‘Am I an imposter? Do I even know what I’m talking about? How did I get here? They are going to find out I’m a fraud and kick me out.’
If everyone is filled with doubt, it means, that you are normal. It means, that you can move on beyond it, because it is such a given. It is the new normal.But, what most people do is they amplify the doubt. If we consider doubt to be our shadow, we will forget about its existence after a while.No matter how high you go, it will always be there. Thus, we cannot do anything about doubt. All we can do is learn to ignore it, or work around it. That’s how I deal with doubt.I know doubt will be present. I account for its presence, and I move on.
Podcast Content
In this podcast, I’ll be chatting about the following things:
- Doubt is my constant companion – How it pervades my thoughts
- You’re not alone and I’ll share some of my experiences on doubting me, myself, and I
- Even the best of the best have doubts
- Doubt will never leave. How can we work with it?
- Some techniques I use on a daily basis to evade doubt.
- Other amazing and awesome stuff (you gotta listen to get it!).
Let’s stop doubt in its tracks. Let’s block it off and keep on working. Momentum is key.Any questions? Drop them in the comments. I’m always here to help!
Free Resources
- Join my free FB group to be with like-minded people who are interested in spirituality and abundance like you!
- Check out my YouTube Channel for more gems of wisdom.