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[Ep 31] Part 1: Are New Souls Recycled Old Souls?

Boom ShikhaPodcasts Leave a Comment

In this episode, I will be discussing the topic of new souls and how they come about in my humble opinion.

To simplify things, I believe there are two kinds of souls: old souls and new ones. These new souls are at the very beginning of their journey, eager to learn, experience and gain wisdom.

It can be quite overwhelming to grasp this concept of collective consciousness, where all beings are interconnected, and where old souls end up vanishing away when they are done with their learning. New souls come from these old souls who want to re-start all over again.

‘All spirits are like little babies, they always want to be learning, always want to ask questions’.

As I found it hard to get my head around it all, I used meditation to help me break up my old patterns and come up with new ways of thinking. I could finally become free and show the world who I truly am.

Podcast Content

In this podcast, I’ll be chatting about the following things:

  1. How do new souls come about?
  2. The notion of the ‘Collective Consciousness’
  3. How Meditation helped me break free of old patterns
  4. The universe is a huge, infinite library of wisdom
  5. Other amazing and awesome stuff (you gotta listen to get it!)

The universe is a perfect collection of our lives, and all of us beings are contributing to it. If you have another opinion on the matter, please let me know. I’m always looking to learn from everyone.

I hope this podcast is helpful to all of you. If after listening to it, you still have questions, please comment below!

Free Resources

  • Join my free FB group to be with like-minded people who are interested in spirituality and abundance like you!
  • Check out my YouTube Channel for more gems of wisdom.

Boom Shikha

About the Author
Boom Shikha

Boom Shikha

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Boom Shikha is a wanderluster, yogi, and spiritual being hoping to use her talents as a communicator and an INFJ to bring peace and purpose to more people of this world. Read More

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