In this episode, I’ll be chatting about how digital nomading has completely changed the way I do things. I used to be afraid of a large variety of things, which led me to have a tiny comfort zone with very little space for risks and challenges. However, leaving the 9-5 routine for a more suited location independent lifestyle, has led …
[Ep 42] A Single Risk Begets More Risks In A Cascade
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about creative risks and why it’s important to go outside our comfort zone. We all have our personal boundaries, surrounding our routines and what is familiar to us. Why do we get so comfortable with the common? Why are we so afraid of the new and interesting? Making the move to digital nomading has allowed me …
[Ep 41] My Move To Digital Nomading And Chiang Mai
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about my lifestyle and why I moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I was living in Toronto, Canada, for many years. Even though I loved this city, especially during summer time, I was feeling somehow out of place. I was building my own business …
[Ep 40] 7 Days Of Learning – Vagabonding by Rolf Potts
In this episode of the 7 Days Of Learning, I’ll be chatting about another life-changing book for me. I am a true fan of Rolf Potts, as I absolutely love the way he writes, and thinks. This is a simple read on long-term, low budget travel. If you already live a nomadic lifestyle, or if you have always dreamed of …
[Ep 39] 7 Days Of Learning – Get Rich, Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield
In the third episode of the 7 Days Of Learning, I’ll be chatting about the book, Get Rich Lucky Bitch, on how to change our money mindset and allow ourselves to become rich. Denise Duffield helps us understand our blocks towards money and to liberate ourselves from them. She writes in a funny manner and provides practical steps that are …
[Ep 38] 7 Days Of Learning – The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
In this episode of the 7 Days Of Learning, I’ll be chatting about a useful, easy to follow book, in the lifestyle design genre. I came across this read at a time in my life where I was not following the rules of success, and as a result, had lost precious relationships, and seen my career and travelling plans fail …
[Ep 37] 7 Days Of Learning – The War Of Art by Steven Pressfield
Welcome to Day 4 of my 7 Days Of Learning. In this episode, I will talk about The War of Art, which has been a life-changing book for me. Despite being a short read, it has lots of brilliant and usable information in it. Originally written to help writers and other creatives to overcome their artistic blocks, this book can …
[Ep 36] 7 Days Of Learning – Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
In this third episode of the 7 Days Of Learning, I’ll be chatting about one of the best books I’ve read on shame and vulnerability. I love Brene Brown (her Ted Talk blew me away). Her thorough research on such an obscure and hard to study topic impressed me greatly. I love her book because she has obviously felt shame …
[Ep 35] 7 Days Of Learning – The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg
In this second episode of the 7 Days Of Learning, I’ll be discussing how habits actually work, how they form, and how we can change them for the better! The Power Of Habit is not only an inspiring read, but also an amazing tool that can help you develop and maintain good habits. Duhigg breaks habits down into three components, …