In this episode, I’ll be talking about building a passion-based business. This way, your business will be based on something you love, rather than based on something you think will make money (which is how a lot of people end up building businesses – and end up hating what they are doing).
We are The Millionaire Hippies, so in our case, we want to build businesses that are spiritual, abundant, easeful, and prosperous.

If you are a major snowboarder, we would try to build a business based upon that, or if you are a yogi and nutritionist, the same applies.
As Ed Dale (one of my mentors) says every market is a market, and the possibilities are endless. You really can make money in any business you put your mind to.
In this episode, I want you to realize this fact before jumping head-first into a business that you aren’t really passionate about.
Podcast Content – Passion Matters
In this podcast, I’ll specifically chat about the following:
- Why passion matters in a business especially nowadays
- Some hesitant thoughts on starting a business
- How I built my passion-based business and other inspiring stories
- Find a niche that works with your passions and your loves
- How the Law of Attraction is relevant in businesses
- Every market is a market, by Ed Dale
- And other amazing and awesome stuff (that you gotta listen to get)!
I’m extremely passionate about meditation, yoga, spirituality, travel, writing, and books. So, I have created an online business based on those passions. But, for the longest time, I believed that I had to create a business based on what I studied in school, which is marketing.
The thing is that I am great at marketing, but I am not passionate about it. I like it because I studied it, and it’s easy for me. But I will not spend hours reading up on it, and/or talking about it. So that wouldn’t have worked for me as a business niche.
You see what I’m saying and where I’m getting at??!
Anyway, listen to the podcast and it will definitely enlighten you on your thoughts on starting up a business especially something that’s based on your passion.
I’m always here to help!
Free Resources
- Join my free FB group to be with like-minded people who are interested in spirituality and abundance like you!
- Check out my YouTube Channel for more gems of wisdom.