Yesterday it was a full moon. Normally, the full moon affects me a bit. But yesterday, it affected me a lot. It was as if everything in my life should be rewritten. I hated my job, my country, my life, my limbs, my everything. My heart space was tight.
Voice Journaling - Use Your Voice to Journal When You Are on the Go
Something I have noticed for myself is that I love to journal, but after a full day of sitting on my behind, at my desk, or on my meditation cushion, I’m ready for a change of pace. That’s why Voice Journaling is the key here.
Want to Learn More About How to Do a Liver Flush?
I have a lot to say on this subject of liver flush and the wisdom and glory of Andreas Moritz for sharing this great natural health treatment with us. He is no more in the world, but his legacy lives on in the world.
Why Did the Universe Decide My Place Was Here in Toronto Right Now?
The ways of the universe are mysterious enough that puny humans like us don’t get it. I’m sure that’s true all the time, but especially right now, it seems particularly poignant. I’m speaking about lessons here.
I’m Terrible at Delegating Tasks but I Am Learning Now
I have hired someone to help me with some of the tasks I do on a daily basis, and I am freaking out, in a good way. Well, it’s my first time delegating tasks, which is a great thing, because it means I’m doing well.
We Are All Going through a Spiritual Test Right Now
It’s easy to believe that if you are going through a difficult situation that it’s an excuse for you to put your legs up, watch Netflix for days on end, and not do anything productive at all. Pandemic 2020 has shown us that.
Learn More about Archetypes in This Guide
In this article, my aim is to demonstrate the abstraction of our cultural (archetypes) narrative from the human experience and vice versa. How our stories are reflections of our journey through life and how they are encoded into the structure of the psyche.
Self Transformation Needs a Substantial Amount of Effort and Time
Is change without effort possible? Of course not, but then why do we believe that it is.
Here’s Your Introduction to the 8 Different MBTI Cognitive Functions
This is a guest post written by Cat Sawyer – I consider her one of the foremost experts in cognitive functions, as labeled by me.