People always ask me the same question – what started me on this journey of spiritual awakening, and self-actualization? There are many answers to it, of course. I sometimes feel like I have been on this journey forever and ever, and it’s a never-ending path that I will be on for a long time to come. Past lives and future …
The More You Know, The Less You Realize You Know
When I was in my twenties, I thought I knew everything. Like a typical young know-it-all, I thought I had discovered the secrets to the world. In my opinion, everyone around me was foolish, and I was the only smart one holding the answer key to life’s questions. All-knowing!
The Universe Reminds Us of Important Lessons We Forget
Recently, I have started taking part in a lot of varied healing modalities. This means that I am spending a lot of my free time, either recovering from some kind of physical or spiritual pain or integrating the messages from the universe and the lessons learned. Self-care has become an absolute priority for me. Because without knowing how far I …

[Ep 82] We Are Living Lives of Bliss and Abundance Right Now
In this episode. I’ll be talking to you about how incredible the world we live in is and how we just need to open our eyes wide to realize that we are living lives of bliss.