When an oak tree puts out acorns, it knows not all acorns are going to result in another oak tree (this also applies when you plant seeds). In fact, one oak tree can put as many as 10,000 acorns in their masting year. And statistically, only one of those acorns is going to take seed properly and grow into a …

[Ep 87] Do Your Business Your Way
In this episode, I’ll be talking to you about how people tend to look up to and copy other people’s life strategies in hopes that they will emulate that persons’ success. But I say you need to do your business your way. I advocate the policy of modifying other people’s strategies to fit your own lifestyle, characteristics, and personality traits. …

[Ep 85] Add to the Noise? Or Do Something Meaningful? You Choose.
In this episode, I’ll be chatting to you about a quote I heard from the movie, The Glass Castle. Here’s how it goes – “Change the world; Don’t just add to the noise”.
Is A Project Only Successful If It Makes Money?
Money measures success, or does it? Everyone else would say money measures success and it’s the only way. But I would disagree. You all know most of the posts I write on here are based on real-life meanderings of my brain. I spend hours in my apartment pondering over random ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and other stuff. I share most …
Are You Focusing Your Energies On The Wrong Questions?
There are good business questions and bad ones. Which ones are you asking? I get asked this particular question a lot by newbie business owners, or people who are trying to set up an online business, and it always acts as a stumbling block for people. The question is, “Should I build my business under my name, or a random …
How To Create Unstoppable Momentum In Business?
When I first started this business and brand, I did what everyone does. I started by building a website. I went around the Interwebs and looked at all of the successful people in my field, and looked at their websites. But that’s not how you create unstoppable momentum in your business. That was the worst thing to do as a …
Don’t Take Advice From People Who Barely Know Who They Are
Being online and posting so much stuff on the Internet all the time, I get a lot of feedback, good and bad. Feedback is fine with me, because the meaning inherent in giving feedback is, “I’m giving you this feedback, because I think you can do something with it. But if you choose to throw it away, then I’m fine …

[Ep 3] It’s Okay To Quit Your Job – Don’t Be Afraid
In this episode, I’ll be talking about my own journey (a somewhat “rocky” journey) of quitting the 9-5 and starting my own online business based on my passions—meditation, spirituality, and digital nomading. Quit your job? What?