In this podcast episode, I speak about the meaning of life as described by Alan Watts. It has to be one of my favorite subjects to speak about – life and death and why being truly alive matters so much.
[Ep 96] The Universe Needs Our Consciousness To Be Conscious
Welcome to another podcast episode. In this episode, I want to share my thoughts about a quote by Eckhart Tolle, “Ultimately you are not a person, but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself”. It comes from the idea of fractiles.
We Can Deal With Stimulus In A Conscious Aware Manner
Fear is a natural response of the body to any outside invasion or outside stimulus. We might be sitting there in peace, happy and ecstatic to be alive. The world might seem to be right where it’s supposed to be. Everything is exactly right. And then all of a sudden, disaster strikes.
Without Time For Integration, All Healing Is Meaningless
I’m part of this awesome spiritual community in Chiang Mai, Thailand. There are dozens of different modalities of healing being practiced by everyone almost at the same time.

[Ep 64] There Are Always Two People Inside Of Me
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about the two people that reside inside of me. These two people are always battling it out for priority. One believes that she is the bomb, and can do anything she puts her mind to. I would like to share my recent conversation with a friend. I was in a workshop and I was …