In this episode, I talk about being selective with the things we do in life.
[Ep 105] I Know Who I Am So Don’t Bother Defining Me
I have had this podcast for a year. Whenever people hear it, they try to educate me in my field. In this podcast, I talk about why I don’t want someone else to define me.
[Ep 104] Why Making Money From Your Creative Work Shouldn’t Matter
There is one question that I get asked a lot ever since I started this podcast – How much money are you making? In this podcast, I talk about why it doesn’t matter. I share why I’d do this podcast forever, even if it doesn’t make me money, because making money from creative work isn’t my primary goal.
[Ep 103] Without Us, the Universe Can’t Have Its Fun
In this episode, I want to talk about how we are the universe’s playmates, necessary for the universe to become conscious of itself. In the last episode, I talked about how humans don’t need to accomplish anything to prove their worth. All we need to do is be alive.
[Ep 100] I Have Had This Podcast For A Year Now
Welcome to the 100th episode of this podcast. I want to take a moment and congratulate myself for the fact that I stuck with it. In this episode, I want to talk about how it feels to run a podcast for a year. Consistency is not easy, but it’s so important when you are dealing with long-term goals.
Perfectionism Can Kill Your Creative and Spiritual Life, INFJs
I am an INFJ, and I know that I have an elephant in my room. I don’t like talking about it with others, of course, but more than that, I don’t like talking about it with myself. In fact, I make up stories to hide this elephant, every time it comes up in everyday situations. I hate making mistakes.
Want to Be More Creative? Start Napping!
When I was younger, in my teens, or twenties, I used to believe that napping is a huge waste of time. I used to look at a sign of weakness. If I couldn’t get through the long days without sleeping, then that meant that I wasn’t strong enough to live in the real world.
Skipping Work, Somedays, Seems Like the Only Thing to Do
This happens to me all the time. Especially since I work from home, and I have no one really telling me that I need to get to work, or I need to get shit done. In fact, I could spend my entire day contemplating the length of my fingernails, and no one would be the wiser. Procrastination – the demon …

[Ep 88] Muses Can Help You Churn Out Thousands of Creative Hours
In this episode, I’ll be talking to you about muses and how I get all the ideas for all of the awesome, cool, different things I do every single day. And the real heroine of the show is my muse! Ta-da!