Your soul knows. My soul knows. Everyone’s soul knows. When I was a child, I thought that I had eons to do all of the things that I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a writer, and that was a dream that had stuck with me forever and ever. But, I was told that it was …
It Isn’t Enough To Be Talented Anymore, You Need To Have Edge
In this article, I speak about creating for an audience of one. That’s all you need to focus on to succeed creatively. If you spend any time on social media of any kind, or any online forum, you realize one thing quickly enough. There are a lot of extremely talented, creative, and mind-blowingly original artists and people out there. Seriously! …
Why Does Everyone Want To Be 20 Again?
Wanna join the no regrets club? I’m in my 30s now, and it’s a weird thing. I have never been happier, and I have never felt better. But so many people message me or talk to me all the time about wanting to be 20 again. “I wish I could be 20 again.” They say over and over again. I …
My Gypsy Heart Loves Being Creative All the Time
When I was younger, I always knew that I wanted to be a writer, that I wished to be in a creative sinkhole. It was like, that had been imprinted into the insides of my gypsy heart, irrevocably and forever my destiny. But, as the world intervened, I was made to realize (falsely) that I will never make any money …
Is A Project Only Successful If It Makes Money?
Money measures success, or does it? Everyone else would say money measures success and it’s the only way. But I would disagree. You all know most of the posts I write on here are based on real-life meanderings of my brain. I spend hours in my apartment pondering over random ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and other stuff. I share most …
Why Are So Many People So Interested In Supporting Creative People?
Recently, a friend of mine and I were chatting about how there are so many communities out there, Patreon, being just one of them, that is a way for ‘normal’, i.e., non-creative people, to support the ‘creative’ folks. Supporting creative people who are not like them. The creative people are the dreamers, the doers, and the change-makers of society. But …
Medium Readers, Followers, And Subscribers Welcome!
I created this special page for all of my Medium readers, and followers, so I could thank you virtually through this video, which might not mean much to you, but means a lot to me. I’m grateful to be able to thank each one of you, with this video, for taking the time to read my content, and either commenting …
What Does Your Creative Muse Look Like?
Recently, I have started communing and chatting more vehemently and outwardly with my Muse. She’s been in my life for decades now. But only recently have I really started talking about this not-so-imaginary friend and guide that has been helping me with my creative projects for the past 20 years. I couldn’t do without her, and I would definitely have …
[Ep 54] Creativity And Sexuality Are Intertwined
In this episode, I’ll discuss how sex can be used as a source of procrastination and how creativity and sexuality are so interconnected that we can use one to affect the other. The deep connection that exists between creativity and sexuality cannot be denied. Both are creative forms of energies in their essence. In our mainstream culture, sex is a …