I dislike using the word ‘Underground Revolution’, because it makes Digital Nomads, DNs for short, seem like some nefarious rock band. But they are far cooler than that, in my opinion and that’s not because I claim to be part of that not-so-nefarious group. I think Digital Nomads matter in a way like most important revolutionary groups matter. I have …
Why Aren’t Gypsy Hearts Really Appreciated In This World?
I have a gypsy heart. I wish sometimes that I didn’t. Believe you me, it is a difficult thing nowadays to have a gypsy heart. The world is set up in a manner where you are better off, if you don’t have a raving, roaming, travelling gypsy heart. It is better if you have a heart that likes to stay …

[Ep 43] Digital Nomading Stretches My Comfort Zone Limits
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about how digital nomading has completely changed the way I do things. I used to be afraid of a large variety of things, which led me to have a tiny comfort zone with very little space for risks and challenges. However, leaving the 9-5 routine for a more suited location independent lifestyle, has led …

[Ep 41] My Move To Digital Nomading And Chiang Mai
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about my lifestyle and why I moved to Chiang Mai, Thailand. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know that I was living in Toronto, Canada, for many years. Even though I loved this city, especially during summer time, I was feeling somehow out of place. I was building my own business …
Who Do You Think You Are? – Imposter Syndrome Hits All Digital Nomads
How Did I Get So Lucky? I have been doing a bunch of workshops for digital nomads on Shame, Vulnerability, Sexuality, Imposter Syndrome, and Creativity. One big question comes up over and over again for people living awesome, amazing lives in Chiang Mai (CM). And I think for most people living awesome lives that are bigger and better than their …
What Kind Of Person Becomes A Digital Nomad?
I have been meeting a lot of digital nomads on the road, and also a lot of aspiring digital nomads. From these encounters, I have realized not everyone can be a digital nomad. I am not trying to deter people from trying out the digital nomading thing at all. Everyone should try it out for themselves to see if it …
Stop Saying Digital Nomads Are Lucky! We are Badasses And We Made This Life Happen.
Do you know any badass digital nomads? I do. I am one. So many people who come to me for coaching services, or everything else want guarantees before they begin. They want to know they are going to be 100% recovered, and making a six-figure income after they work with me for an hour or two. A little bit unrealistic, …
6 Things They Didn’t Tell Me About Moving To Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai Living Expounded I love the digital nomad lifestyle. I really do. But I have to say, you never really know what living in a country will be like, until you actually move there. You can read a ton of blog posts, or watch a hundred videos; but until you live in a country for at least a month …
7 Steps To Becoming A Digital Nomad
Ad: Become Digital Nomad In Five Weeks Or Less. Requirement: Need to Give Up Old Identity Have you ever said to yourself, ‘I want to become a digital nomad (DNs), but I don’t know where to start??’ Well, I get those kinds of questions all the time from my Instagram, Facebook, and even my blog. I have people asking me …