Why am I obsessed with the digital nomad lifestyle? Why do I want to spread it to the ends of the Earth? Why do I talk about it incessantly? These are all great questions. Valid ones, too. Time Freedom Is True Freedom My answer? It is because Digital Nomads (DNs) in my opinion are free in the true sense of …
8 Reasons Why I’m Such A Gypsy At Heart
I have a gypsy heart. I have fought with everyone around me for years now. They think the lifestyle I want – the Digital Nomad lifestyle isn’t feasible long-term. I disagree vehemently, and I have fought with not only my parents over this, but my now ex-partners, friends, and random strangers on the street. That’s the sad thing to me. …
5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be A Digital Nomad (It’s Not All Roses)
Whenever I see posts on becoming a digital nomad, they are all about the glories of it. I have to say, I absolutely love owning my own online business, and working from anywhere in the world. It is glorious. As glorious as can be. Not All Roses But I want to warn people that it is definitely not all a …

[Ep 18] World-Travelling Ukulele Player Shares How She Lives And Works
In this episode, I had the great pleasure of chatting with another amazing influencer, Brooke Palmer. I met Brooke years ago online when she read one of my posts about living a real life on my other blog, BrownVagabonder. She messaged me and we started a conversation and an online friendship that has lasted years now. I love the internet …
3 Reasons I Have Decided To Move To Chiang Mai For Six Months
A few weeks ago, I decided that I will move to Chiang Mai for six months to work on my online business. The decision actually came as a surprise not only to myself, but all of the people around me. I have been happily plugging away on my business in Toronto in my little oasis of a condo downtown. I …

[Ep 3] It’s Okay To Quit Your Job – Don’t Be Afraid
In this episode, I’ll be talking about my own journey (a somewhat “rocky” journey) of quitting the 9-5 and starting my own online business based on my passions—meditation, spirituality, and digital nomading. Quit your job? What?