This blog post is about how we need to stop buying useless stuff. Last month, I went back home to Toronto for a quick family visit, which was nice, and made me realize how much I missed my family when I am here. Ideally, all of my family would move to Thailand, and we would all live happily ever after, …
How To Keep Things Simple In Our Business And Life
KISS businesses better – that’s the latest business hack I want to share with you. Recently, I have started working on a new project – a membership site with all of the different lessons and courses. This way all of my tribe can have access to all of my stuff on one platform without any complications. Well, as always, I …

[Ep 60] As We Get Closer To Success, Self-Sabotage Is Imminent
In this episode, I’ll be discussing about how self-sabotage can turn our imminent into almost a failure, or at least a few steps back. I have noticed a trend in my life. Whenever I’m close to finishing something really important or close to success in a particular area of my life, it is quite inevitable that I will do something …

[Ep 59] Workaholism Isn’t A Badge Of Honour
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about workaholism and how it isn’t something to aspire to. Most of us use our tendency to overwork as a positive quality. We wear it like a badge of honour. Day in day out, we display this sigil for people to see. We tell them how we spend 18 hours per day working hard …

[Ep 58] Are You Making Things More Complicated Than They Are?
In this episode, I’ll be discussing about complicating simple things. Humans have this natural tendency to make things harder than they actually are. We overcomplicate things by over thinking them, examining each part and all of the possibilities that could go horribly wrong. It is, then, our duty to keep it in that simple state. When I first began my …

[Ep 57] The Big Secret Is Everyone Is Scared
In this episode, I’ll be discussing fears. Someone said to me the other day that it seemed like I was fearless. I laughed to myself when I heard that. I am filled with fear about everything – my business, my love life, my body and more. Everything! But my strategy lies in not letting that fear hold me back from …
People Be Like, How Much Money Are You Making Now?
In normal society, asking someone how much they make is absolutely taboo. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or bad. But that’s how it is. But for some reason, the tables turn when you start a business. All of a sudden, all the inner workings of your finances, and your business are fodder for everyone’s conversations, and questions. …
Have You Heard Of The 1% Rule For Success?
I love to learn, and I am constantly either reading a self-help book, or listening to an audiobook, or watching to a motivational video on YouTube. We are so lucky to be living in an age where there is so much free material available for us to consume. If you have an internet connection and a phone, you have access …

[Ep 42] A Single Risk Begets More Risks In A Cascade
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about creative risks and why it’s important to go outside our comfort zone. We all have our personal boundaries, surrounding our routines and what is familiar to us. Why do we get so comfortable with the common? Why are we so afraid of the new and interesting? Making the move to digital nomading has allowed me …