Emerson says: “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Happiness explained in one easy quotable sentence!
Peace Doesn’t Come To Us In A Moment In The Future
When we are here in this moment in time, and if we aren’t happy in this moment in time, we believe our peace and happiness lies somewhere in the future. It’s there, out there somewhere. It’s not here, it’s not here with me, but out there.
No Suffering, No Happiness – That’s the Ultimate Formula
Suffering is necessary for happiness – “Olive is crushed to make the best oils. Grapes are squeezed to make the finest wines. Roses are pressed to make the most fragrant perfumes. Have you been crushed, squeezed, and pressed by life’s trials and difficulties?Be glad…” – Heiralchy As a minor online influencer, I get a lot of people messaging me all the …

[Ep 66] Our Inside World Creates The Outside
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about the age-old philosophy that your outside world will not change until and unless you change your inside world. It is an insurmountable fact. On the outside, they are very, very rich. But when I speak to them, I notice that they sometimes have a scarcity mindset. They do not believe that they have …

[Ep 30] This Magical Joyful Life That We Live
In this episode, I will be talking about the excitement, the joy of being alive. What does it mean to be happy? For most people, positive states are rare and only come at certain times to punctuate negatives states of mind. But being happy, feeling the joy of life, comes from our internal self, rather than from the outside world. …
Work Horror Stories? Life Isn’t Supposed To Be Like This.
Ever since I quit my job and shared my story with the people in my life, I have had several people come up to me (virtually and in real life) and tell me their work horror stories.
13 Questions That Will Help You Find Your Life Purpose
Are you living up to your infinite potential? This is a hard post to write because it reminds me of the time in my life when I was miserable and unfulfilled. But I want to do it to help everyone who’s dealing with this misery. It is such an important topic that I want to shout it out from the …