One of the main reasons my INTJ sister and I fight is because she doesn’t understand that I see the world in extreme shades of gray. Whereas for her the world is more a case of black and white, with a little bit of gray somewhere in there, sometimes. Decisions are easier for her, and not so much for me.
INFJs Go Crazy When They Aren’t Allowed Their Time Away From People To Recharge
Recently, I went traveling with my parents and sister to Morocco, something that has been on my bucket list, ever since I watched the movie, Casablanca. Now, believe me, when I say, I love my parents, and sister, more than anyone else on the planet. With no recharge time though, I was ready to commit murder at the end of …
Why Do INFJs Hate Being Touched By Strangers?
Energy matters a lot to INFJs. I’m originally from India. Although I was 5 months old when my parents moved us first to the Middle East, and then to Canada. I’m grateful as an INFJ that my parents did move us because Indians have really no concept of personal space. This means that whenever I go back to visit my …
Tell Your Extroverted Friends the Truth about Your Introversion
I used to be ashamed of being an introvert for such a long time. I guess, that was all necessary, for me to grow into the person I have become now, who gives zero apologies to extroverted friends for who I am, and what I want.
You Are Good Enough as an Introvert, No Need to Deny Yourself
Can you think of your introversion as one of your superpowers? Say it with me – I have introvert power. In a world where extroverts are in the majority, introverts are generally treated like the black sheep of the family or the dreaded second cousin who stinks and no one wants to hang out with.
Introverts Aren’t Introverts All the Time – We Oscillate
One of the main things that irked me about being an introvert for the longest time was that if I displayed even a smidgeon of extrovertedness, everyone started looking at me like I had grown two heads. Introverts have it hard!