Emerson says: “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” Happiness explained in one easy quotable sentence!
When You Reach Your Goals And Think Now What?
This post is all about how to achieve happiness right now. Yes, I mean, right. A friend of mine, Henrik Nordstrom, whom I admire, recently shared a story of his. He is originally from Sweden, and when he was 11 or so, he was overweight. He was made fun of in school and his life was pretty miserable. His mother …
Life Purposes Are Malleable and Change Over Your Lifetime
Having life purposes matters. So many people ask me how I came up with my current life purpose (I help people live their Level 10 lives with my words, videos, and podcasts). They wonder about my brand name, The Millionaire Hippie, and about the FB group with the same name that I created. Why are you doing all of this, they …

[Ep 5] Life Purpose Is Necessary for the Good Life
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about why you need to find your life purpose.
My Online Business Is My Life Purpose And It Drives Every Moment Of My Life
I woke up at 439am today to work on my life purpose – my online business. Yes, I’m a morning person. Please don’t hate me. But before I quit my 9-5 and started my own online business, I used to wake up at 7am thinking that’s early enough. Even so, I had no real purpose in life or aim. I …
13 Questions That Will Help You Find Your Life Purpose
Are you living up to your infinite potential? This is a hard post to write because it reminds me of the time in my life when I was miserable and unfulfilled. But I want to do it to help everyone who’s dealing with this misery. It is such an important topic that I want to shout it out from the …