In this episode, I share why everything that happens is good, that is, nothing wrong ever happens in your world. Everything is aimed to be good even if you think it’s unpleasant. I also speak about why everything happens for a reason.
[Ep 103] Without Us, the Universe Can’t Have Its Fun
In this episode, I want to talk about how we are the universe’s playmates, necessary for the universe to become conscious of itself. In the last episode, I talked about how humans don’t need to accomplish anything to prove their worth. All we need to do is be alive.
Be Specific in the Way You Use Meditation
Most of us know that meditation is a powerful tool that can absolutely and completely transform our lives for the better. Then why aren’t we using it in the specific ways that it is meant to be used? Why are we being so fickle or temperamental with its usage?
I Want To Live Little No More
Are you playing small? Suffering is due to our disconnection with the inner soul. Meditation is establishing that connection. – Amit Ray
Meditation Is All About Unmuddying The Mind
Whenever I think about all of the wonderful benefits that meditation has bought my way, I’m so grateful that I started meditating. I feel absolutely lucky to have discovered the practice of meditation (and unmuddying the mind) so early on in my life (I think I was 28 when I started meditating).
Mindfulness Gives You Time, And Time Gives You Freedom
Why does mindfulness matter so much? Why is every guru out there, harping about meditation, and its benefits? And why is everything nowadays laced with this idea of being present and being in the moment? Is it really that important, this mindfulness idea? For freedom seekers it is.
Peace Doesn’t Come To Us In A Moment In The Future
When we are here in this moment in time, and if we aren’t happy in this moment in time, we believe our peace and happiness lies somewhere in the future. It’s there, out there somewhere. It’s not here, it’s not here with me, but out there.

[Ep 80] Flow States Are My New Obsession and You Need To Get In on This
In this episode, I’ll be talking to you about flow states. What are Flow states and how are they important to human beings who want to live fulfilling lives?
Treasure the Present Moment, Because Once It’s Gone, It’s Gone
Recently, I went to Dubai for a quick transit trip and it bought up lessons of present moment awareness that I wish to share with you. I hadn’t been back to Dubai in 18 years at that point. I had spent some of the happiest years in my teenage years in Dubai, and then we left when I was 16. …