I started meditating a long time back, because I wanted to calm down my crazy mind. I had a lot of anxiety and I knew meditation would help me with that. Why did I choose meditation out of all of the other different things I could try? I mean, I could have started smoking weed, or taking Prozac, or exercising …
Listen Up! Silence Is That Secret Sauce You Are Searching For.
In the past year, I have started off my mornings with something really special. SILENCE. I wake up, perform my morning ablutions, and sit down on my bed or chair to stare off into space. I wouldn’t call it a meditation, but more like active day-dreaming. I sit and stare off into the white space, or close my eyes, and …

[Ep 29] Build Synchronicity Through Meditation
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about how to use meditation to build synchronicity. As most of you may know, I spend a lot of time meditating. I also recommend meditation as a tool for pretty much everything. Whatever you are trying to improve in your life (personal or professional), meditation is always my solution to that something! These long …

[Ep 28] Patience Is A Muscle – Grow It Slowly And Consistently
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about how patience is a muscle, and will expand with training. For a long time, I was of the belief that I was a very impatient person. That it was in my genes, and that there was nothing I could do about it. I would always be this way, no matter what. But practising yoga …
The More I Meditate, The More My Intuition Builds Up
One of the main reasons I am such an advocate of meditation is because of the effect it has on intuition. For those of us, who are looking to build their intuition, or connect better with our gut, meditation is one of the most powerful tools I have found. In this blog post, I’ll answer your questions about meditation and its …
My Meditation Practice Has Affected Every Single Aspect Of My Life
When I first started meditating, I did it, because it sounded like a good way to learn more about myself. Who am I, I asked in my journal over and over again. They said, meditation is a good way to get to know yourself. For whatever reason, I have always been interested in learning and knowing more about myself. The …
5 Ways Meditation Helps Entrepreneurs Be More Successful
Meditation helps you see the world clearly. It can be a muddy world out there with all the different messages floating towards you from society, family, government, and your own crazy mind. But when you meditate, all of that peripheral stuff drops off. Everything becomes clearer. Life becomes less muddy. Your path is lit up showing you the way. Meditation …
How I Used My Money Meditation To Remove My Money Blocks
Money Meditation anyone?
My Online Business Is My Life Purpose And It Drives Every Moment Of My Life
I woke up at 439am today to work on my life purpose – my online business. Yes, I’m a morning person. Please don’t hate me. But before I quit my 9-5 and started my own online business, I used to wake up at 7am thinking that’s early enough. Even so, I had no real purpose in life or aim. I …