“If you’re saying something about my business, you’re attacking me. My business is my baby.”
[Ep 122] A Reminder To Come Back To The Present
This episode is a reminder to come back to the present and live in the moment. We are not robots, but fragile humans.
Skipping Work, Somedays, Seems Like the Only Thing to Do
This happens to me all the time. Especially since I work from home, and I have no one really telling me that I need to get to work, or I need to get shit done. In fact, I could spend my entire day contemplating the length of my fingernails, and no one would be the wiser. Procrastination – the demon …

[Ep 87] Do Your Business Your Way
In this episode, I’ll be talking to you about how people tend to look up to and copy other people’s life strategies in hopes that they will emulate that persons’ success. But I say you need to do your business your way. I advocate the policy of modifying other people’s strategies to fit your own lifestyle, characteristics, and personality traits. …

[Ep 81] 3 Lessons From The First Year Of Business
In this episode, I’ll be talking to you about three big lessons that I learned during the first year of running my own business.
When Will We Be Successful, We Wonder
Recently, I read this awesome quote attributed to Wesley Snipes (on his Twitter account), and I instantly copied and pasted it into my archives of useful quotes. “Don’t let the internet rush you; No one is posting their failures.” Boom! Bam! Bing! Absolutely on point. As soon as I read it, I got goosebumps, and that’s when I know something …
Be Serious About Your Work Because No One Else Will
When I first quit my job to start my own business, I didn’t treat creative work seriously, or as seriously as I take it now. I would let people distract me from my work, I would roam around during my most creative hours looking for dates or doing groceries, and I got embarrassed when people would tell me I didn’t …
How Much of Your Stuff Do You Actually Use?
This blog post is about how we need to stop buying useless stuff. Last month, I went back home to Toronto for a quick family visit, which was nice, and made me realize how much I missed my family when I am here. Ideally, all of my family would move to Thailand, and we would all live happily ever after, …
Are You Focusing Your Energies On The Wrong Questions?
There are good business questions and bad ones. Which ones are you asking? I get asked this particular question a lot by newbie business owners, or people who are trying to set up an online business, and it always acts as a stumbling block for people. The question is, “Should I build my business under my name, or a random …