An INFJ’s thoughts are peculiar. And when an INFJ is in a relationship/friendship, their way of thinking becomes bizarre. In this episode, I want to tell you about INFJs in relationships.
Is Your Love Pulling Away from You Slowly?
One of the magnificent things about having a YouTube channel about INFJs is many non-INFJs message me asking questions about their beloved INFJs and about a potential doorslam. This really makes me ecstatic. I know how hard it can be for an INFJ, one of the introverted Myers-Briggs personality types, to be in a relationship, especially a romantic one. So, …

[Ep 75] Are You Wasting Your Time on Inconsequential Relationships?
In this episode, I’ll be talking about the classic 80/20 rule in relationships by Pareto.

[Ep 49] Show Your Vulnerable Side To Gain Connection
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about how showing our vulnerability helps us gain stronger connections. I used to be watching and waiting for other people to open themselves first, before I would allow them to see my weaknesses, my vulnerability. But I realized that I was wasting strong, beautiful, meaningful connections, simply by refusing to put myself out there. …
Consistency Matters – 12 Ways to Take Advantage of It
A few years back, I was rudderless. I had no direction. I went to university and got my Master’s degree only because everyone else I knew was doing that. I bought a condo because it seemed like everyone else was as well. I hadn’t discovered consistency matters yet.