Have you ever felt weak when you ask for help from someone? Do you think it’s a shameful thing to ask for monetary help from people? How can you learn to ask for help? Let’s dive into this topic for today’s podcast.
INFJs Get Chatty around Certain People and That’s So Embarrassing
Recently, I shared a meme with my YouTube community which consists mostly of INFJs, but also of other types. It said something like, “INFJ – I don’t like how chatty I get when I feel at ease with someone.” A day later, I had 23 comments most of which were at least a paragraph long, with people describing how they …

[Ep 49] Show Your Vulnerable Side To Gain Connection
In this episode, I’ll be chatting about how showing our vulnerability helps us gain stronger connections. I used to be watching and waiting for other people to open themselves first, before I would allow them to see my weaknesses, my vulnerability. But I realized that I was wasting strong, beautiful, meaningful connections, simply by refusing to put myself out there. …

[Ep 36] 7 Days Of Learning – Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
In this third episode of the 7 Days Of Learning, I’ll be chatting about one of the best books I’ve read on shame and vulnerability. I love Brene Brown (her Ted Talk blew me away). Her thorough research on such an obscure and hard to study topic impressed me greatly. I love her book because she has obviously felt shame …