In this episode, I talk about how our brain is limited, and it doesn’t multitask, so we must write it down.
[Ep 115] You Are Worthy of It All, Right?
In this episode, I want to share why 99.9% of the population will not do what is necessary to be successful (hint, it’s something to do with the curse of instant gratification). I’ll also talk about the importance of frame of mind.
[Ep 114] Write Every Day As if It Were As Important As Breathing
In this episode, I talk about creativity, why you need to write every day and the enemy of creativity.
How To Become a Creative Conduit and Create More Easily
Don’t get a big head. You are not the creator. Just a creative conduit. You are merely the medium that was chosen for God or that higher intelligence to work through you. All you need to worry about is to how to become a creative conduit more easily.
Write Every Day, More and More, Badly if Need Be
Lots of people tell me every day on my vlog and on the streets (after they find out about my blog), that they want to be writers. I tell every one of those individuals – everyone is a writer at heart, but when it comes down to it, very few of us actually take pen to paper and get to …
What Is the Primary Job of a Writer?
Whenever I travel through a new place, there is this verve of creativity that rushes through me. There’s this rush of feeling inside of me, that makes me want to write, and write. I feel so ecstatically connected to that writer side of me in those moments. And that’s the primary job of a writer.
Stop With All the Random Criteria To Be Something
I have noticed this tendency in me to brush off people when they tell me, “Oh, that’s wonderful. You are a writer.” This usually happens when I tell them that I write every single day, that I am a writer at heart, and that I have a few novels published on Amazon. I laugh it off. “Oh, no, I’m not …

[Ep 88] Muses Can Help You Churn Out Thousands of Creative Hours
In this episode, I’ll be talking to you about muses and how I get all the ideas for all of the awesome, cool, different things I do every single day. And the real heroine of the show is my muse! Ta-da!

[Ep 86] If You Create for Yourself, It Will Make Your Creative Life Easier
In this episode, I’ll be talking to you about my writing experience and how I feel that we should write for ourselves, not for anyone else outside of ourselves. When you write for yourself, it makes your creative life easier.
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